Emmi Roth Expands With Cheese Plant Acquisition in Seymour, Wisconsin

Emmi Roth Expands With Cheese Plant Acquisition in Seymour, Wisconsin

Emmi Roth, a leading producer of specialty cheese, is expanding with the acquisition of Great Lakes Cheese`s blue cheese plant in Seymour, Wisconsin.

According to company officials, with the purchase of the Great Lakes Cheese plant, Emmi Roth will not only be able to expand its blue cheese production, but also increase its capabilities to develop new blue cheese products and packaging solutions....   ...more

Ken Notes: I have had the opportunity to work with Emmi Roth and they are a great company, providing good jobs, and they represent the State well. A Swiss company, they are committed to Wisconsin and bring very high quality products to market...

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- - Volume: 7 - WEEK: 2 Date: 1/10/2019 9:12:58 AM -