OP ED: Imperiled again: one of Wisconsin’s great achievements

OP ED: Imperiled again: one of Wisconsin’s great achievements

Name one achievement by the state government in the past 30 years that has done more to benefit the people, land, water and wildlife of Wisconsin, as well as the state’s essential outdoor recreation economy and its overall quality of life, than the creation of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund.

If this were a quiz, that would be a trick question, because there is nothing that surpasses the positive impact of the Stewardship Fund.

The legislation that established this institution in 1989—bipartisan and proud of it as evidenced by its name honoring Republican and Democratic governors—has done incalculable good in ways that range from saving endangered natural areas to strengthening the tourism business sector.


Ken Notes: I have to agree that the Stewardship Fund is one of our greatest assets. If we do anything to alter it`s course we should address ways to improve the funds available and their use.

I have proposed a TIF like structure to buy and protect Wisconsin lands. Imagine a State Park or Forest with some lands available for use as a private development for tourism.

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- - Volume: 7 - WEEK: 15 Date: 4/11/2019 9:25:41 AM -