A Midcentury Revolution In Farming Would Change Wisconsin Forever

A Midcentury Revolution In Farming Would Change Wisconsin Forever

The first agricultural revolution, which began in the 1830s, saw the heavy draft horse breeds replace the sturdy oxen that had done the heavy work on the farm since colonial days. And then, for many Wisconsin farmers, farming methods remained relatively unchanged for a long time to come — nearly a century, for some...


Ken Notes: This is a GREAT read, but the real story is just developing. We are losing 20% of our farms each year yet we are milking more cows that ever before. The future is on the fast track and we are rapidly eliminating the family farm in favor of the corporate farm or CAFO. The writer talks about 100 years of progress I am worried about one decade of decline! Please write about and discuss this issue and let others know if you support that farms that made this such a great state...

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- - Volume: 7 - WEEK: 35 Date: 8/29/2019 6:16:52 AM -