City to show off more detailed renderings of Madison Public Market, ask for feedback

City to show off more detailed renderings of Madison Public Market, ask for feedback

At a public meeting Thursday, the City of Madison will ask for feedback on new renderings of the Madison Public Market, which is set to come to the East Side in 2021.

The colorful visualizations show a market that is “fresh, very local and Madison-centric,” said Hannah Mohelnitzky, spokeswoman for Madison’s Engineering Division.

“For the first time, the public is really going to be able to visualize what the space is going to look like,” Mohelnitzky said....


Ken Notes: I still suggest a bus tour of some of the more successful existing markets out there, I took a group to Milwaukee. Just a thought...

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- - Volume: 7 - WEEK: 36 Date: 9/5/2019 5:42:34 AM -